Saturday, December 31, 2011


guns how good are they?
how much we need them and how much they really help us?

i am from India and i have never seen a gun in my 26years of life there! so do most of the Indians unless they are police, army or the paramilitary forces! very few people posses guns with a license which is rather hard to obtain! India is rather safe , you can walk around in the night though you should be scared for stray dogs! i used to go and hang around beach for a fruit shake or  some coffee at midnight!  of-course the crime is high in mumbai the newyork equivalent of India, but overall the crime resulting in death is very low. look we are 3 times the population of USA squeezed in 1/3rd its size... technically speaking we should be seeing more crime!

  But, change the scene  to newyork ...the busy manhattan streets becomes really dark after 7 and its not really advisable to be around in dark places where there are no people! of-course the crime targets mainly soft targets: women ( especially older women) , older people, and " The drunken people" but, it is the gun that gives big the advantage to the criminal!

   The free availability of guns gives the power to go and bargain with victim
" it is just a ring " 
why you  let your or the loved one's life go for it?
even  a broken man can go and load the gun and kill the entire people dining with her ex-lover and her and can have his evil satisfaction or the disgruntled disoriented student like the Virginia tech shooter  make the people listen to him for a very grievous price...
  whereas in India robbers rarely attack you for say 20 bucks or even say 100 bucks. They do not want to risk it so often. because for them robbing at the point of knife is not really cool , so they do not try for it unless they are very sure that they can overpower the victim. instead they  go for a big robbery over a home where the family is on vacation etc... they plan their robbery and meticulously implement it .... they are rather professional robbers... as a whole the crime is comparatively very low when compared to america for the main reason that civialians do not possess guns just like that!

  now a days we are reading in news about some robberies of the gas stations in highway....with guns...

bottom-line is that guns make the job of criminal easier while it would be a great risk for him to do with a knife!With knife they might not even succeed after all that risk...
 even if the Virginia tech university students possessed guns with them ... does it sound sensible that they would be having their guns loaded with them all the time? while they are listening to a lecture, they would be having guns loaded and on their desk ready to face any possible attack?

If everyone on the earth possess a gun and have it ready with them, we need not go to hell, we will see it right here!

Gun rights;

Gone were the days when the new settlers were in a state of constant fight Americans are not in fight with anybody at-least at home! Compared to the 1700s there is very less necessity for individual to have arms and be ready for a fight!

so, if you still want to claim your right to bear firearms think about it.
because guns are not toys but, a powerful weapons which give us a chance to be god
" where we can write the destiny of our victims with a simple flick  of the trigger "

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bhagavadgita & violence

Does Gita promote violence?

I have a friend who is guyanese american of Indian descent! and he is christian. He used to have many misgivings about Hinduism but, this one really made me laugh!
" look man Krishna asks you to kill everybody....kill uncle teachers ,brothers what God is that God man?"
That was his complaint!
I did not get anger or even feel irritated... i felt it was funny.

let us get into the allegation:
Life is beautiful
yes life is beautiful  but everyone wants their life to be beautiful even at the cost of other people. Especially the bad people ( or the villains) like to have their life beuatiful by going to any extent against the principles of society or the morals! Whereas some people who are on the side of righteousness does not like yielding and they prefer to fight the evil than love it! Though love is very powerful, loving your enemy is divinely romantic  but, in reality not stopping the evil doer is helping the spread of the evil! so even  if we love all the human beings in the world which is what Jesus asked us for it is not wise for us to ignore/accept the ugliness/evil and allow it to spread!

The world has ill people who are bent on making things work their way at the cost of the principles/morals and order of the society while there are people who will fight on the side of righteousness and will not let the evil people take over the society/humanity!
The fight between the good and bad is eternal and it will never end by good people loving the bad people! 
For them(evil people) such thing(love) amounts as submission!
If you still do not agree ask God to love Satan! Does it make any sense?
people influenced by god  (they have no choice)  fight people influenced by Satan!
Love your neighbor but not the evil deeds of your neighbor!
Even Jesus Christ in his second coming is not going to be a friendly, forgiving, and loving God but, a warrior /armed prince and punishing God!

The madness:
Some people who are influenced by love find it disgusting to see that God is asking the warrior prince Arjuna to kill his own uncles, teachers,cousins etc....
As we already discussed the fight between good and bad is eternal! we have to take the sides which is the most critical aspect.  If you are taking the side of good you are on the side of god! If you are taking the side of bad you are on the side of evil! If you are  a warrior ( contemporary soldier/general/marine etc...) it is your duty to fight the war! The only thing you have to worry is if you are on the side of righteousness or not! If you are on the side of righteousness and if your own uncles, teachers,cousins are on  the side of evil you shall not step back from your duty " The war ".
                                       do your duty! Never be a slave to the worldly feelings/ family bonding and do injustice to your responsibility! 
If president of Russia's son does something ugly(imagination)  shall the Russian society forgive him? Righteousness is above everything.
Dushta sikshan sishta rakshana
punishing the evil and protecting the righteousness, that is the theme of God's preaching the warrior prince to fight against his own uncles etc...!
So it is not madness of violence but, the protection of the order and righteousness and above all doing your duty without any bias!
Those who protest this theme of Bhagavadgita should first  protest the  army/navy/air force of their own country and even if imagining(wildly) they are successful they should then  use their all energies to zero down the police force! No police no soldier for their country...then only they can protest that bhagavadgita is something  only wild and violence!

The Karna ex:
Karna is a very righteous and noble warrior! He is the most powerful warrior, even than the Arjuna the hero (warrior ) prince! His charity is second to none! even if he knew that his enemy is asking his armor only to kill him, he will part with it cheerfully and give it to his enemy in disguise! As a matter of principle he will never say no to anyone who comes for his help! He is the most noble but, but, he is killed in the war! Even the God had his role in the death of this shining warrior!
The moral is how good and noble a person you could be, if you are on the side of evil you will not succeed in the end and you are not supposed to succeed how powerful and skillful you might be at the end of the war @ god's will!

So, Bhagavadgita asks you to do your duty ( if you are a soldier - fight) and to make sure that you are on the side of righteousness!
What is righteousness?
let me define other way around : If you violate someone's rights  for your own gains it is bad/evil and if you violate your own rights for the happiness of someone that is love/divine or atleast if you resist evil you are good!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reservation Ambedkar and Martin E P Seligman

First let us get clear with this Martin who and what etc....
professor  Martin  was doing experiment on dogs! and he accidentally found out this learned helplessness theory!
let me explain it with a rat model:
   the experimental rat is in a metallic cage and whenever its door is opened it used to run away!
now they took the same rat and started passing current through the cage! The rat tried its best to get out of that box but no use!.
they passed the current again and again over few days! initially the rat tried its best to get out of that box but, no use. later it stopped trying! finally they open the door and pass the current. Now the rat instead of trying to go out it lays flat on the floor of the cage jerking with each shock!

So, the professor Seligman one fine day found that The Dog is strangely not escaping even when the door is left open and he is  giving a shock!
Strange right even when the opportunity to its release from this pathetic suffering by the curious professor was wide open the dog stayed back and told the Professor
Please Shock me again

The eyes of the Professor got opened, he got a golden shock...after-all his cruel experiment did not go waste....
Then he proposed
Humans when suffer for a long time they will get used to acceptance of permanent helplessness even when the help is all doors open.
Learned helplessness
He called it Learned Helplessness!
This finding made the life of Professor Seligman! He made a golden career out of it! This finding fueled his career with many positions and he even became the president of American psychological association.. he is the director of positive psychology center and there is masters in positive psychology with Pennyslvania university...goes on goes on we can fill pages writing how that finding helped Dr Seligman with so many  works on psychology all  centered on one thing : Learned Helplessness!

Now learned helplessness is a very strong concept in modern psychology and positive thinking etc... have their strong roots with this concept!
Now it is widely applied in psychotherapy for depression, patients suffering with depression. Its true patients in depression will not jump at the chances they get,,,,
Here comes the role of positive thinking.
So the people who are depressed and accepted the routine negative outcomes as the reality should break that mould by thinking positive...
If the negativity is so real and is practically permanent where is the place for positivity?
How can a depressed man can perform equally with a sound man?
How can a depressed man perform equally or better than his neighbor who grew up in a sound environment  ?
How can a depressed man convince the society to accept him when the society stamped on him his fathers, his children and children of the children unfit and failure?
he needs a chance.
when the height he has to climb is 100 mts while his fellow has to climb is 10 meters only how can he compete with him?

Thats where Dr Ambedkar fits into the picture of learned helplessness and positive thinking ahead of Dr.Seligman.

what Ambedkar did?
Ambedkar , the writer of Indian constitution made a special provision that the oppressed castes (lower castes) will have seats reserved for them in academic institutions and  government jobs! They will be allowed to get their admission in the college or the job even if they are of less merit than their fellow upper caste Indian!

what was his reason?
these people had been suffering for thousands of years. Even if you give equal opportunities all of a sudden they would not be able to get the benefit of it!
the height they have to climb is higher than the fellow upper caste people...
do you think any similarity with learned helplessness theory?
yes , they need more chances than others to make it a fair competition....
The reservation system is the application of concept of learned helplessness...

Ok now let us dig it who is first?

Ambedkar finished writing Indian constitution  year 1949 November!
while professor seligman began his experiments on dog in 1967 and "accidentally"  found the learned helplessness !

so who is first with learned helplessness Dr BR Ambedkar  or Professor Martin Seligman?
I guess Dr Seligman should acknowledge  Dr B R Ambedkar as the first in his work long ahead of him. Infact dr seligman just proposed the concept of Dr Ambedkar ...k k leaving it here.

Dr BR Ambedkar wrote the constitution of India, he belonged to untouchable caste (Untouchability is abolished in India long back ), and this is his educational qualification
M.A &PhD Columbia university-economics & sociology
doctorate in econmics from London school of Economics
and he was also a barrister (lawyer) and more....
and his journey was incredible.

The whole point is reservations do have a huge scientific base of learned helplessness,
 otherwise google Dr.Seligman he has been earning his bread and cake on the same concept since the last 40+ years .

Saturday, December 17, 2011

solution to lokpal?

Now, the government is bringing reservation issue for Lokpal!
Its aim is to jeopardije Lokpal as much as possible this is a new try than having empathy for lower castes. Lokpal is not about job or power its about anti corruption! so reservations need not be worried about.
Anyway if we
1.Elect the lokpal leader or the entire team by direct elections
If we elect the leader we can give him freedom to choose any 3 Indians whom he believes or let us elect the team members also!
2. give the term for lokpal only two years, so that he will not be able to become a big power himself influencing the governance/ruling party etc...and he ll be in direct check by the people every two years!
3. Let us leave prime minister out of lokpal unless we have a open/strong proof so that he ll have more freedom which is required for such a stressful job!
4.As a pilot project we limit it to the MPs, MLAs, IAS, IPS etc... all the big shots!
Advantage: Lokpal can focus on few members  and use its limited resources effectively! infact if these people are not corrupt nobody is allowed to be corrupt! If big fish can not eat , it ll not let small fish eat !
5. CBI canwork independently but let the lokpal directly elected by people be superior to CBI so that CBI  is more answerable to peopl directly!
think about it!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The making of Mahatma part 4

the making of mahatma part 4(final)

and now continuing with mission mahatma :

when Gandhi returned to India, he is known to very few that too in the high circle. so the 1st target was to make him a popular leader!
A.Gandhi the savior(otherwords gandhi the broker who can make deals with british raj)
1.champaran movement : the poor farmers in the northern part of bihar were forced to raise indigo plants and were paid very less price for the crop etc...overall their life was miserable and pathetic. and gandhi comes, does satyagraha, british arrest him, gandhi argues in the court etc etc... and finally british changes their policy which the landlords obey(naturally) and finally the poor chamapran farmer is able to breath again. gandhi is the savior for them, here people started calling him bapu .... kheda satygraha: a very similar story but, in gujarat...
there was a famine and poor farmers who were fortunate to own the land but were not in a position to pay the taxes. the famine made their lives miserable. The british govt doesnt accept their bull shit famine story until gandhi comes do satygraha and opens the eyes for the british raj
and the British Raj finally: yes: there is a horrible famine and these poor farmers need a tax break...

message to the people:
with incidents like these , a big message was sent to the people of india, gandhi is the one who can bend the british for the needs of even the poorest of the poor of vast india. simpley saying gandhi is the one who will make the powerful british listen.
Masses of indians got their leader....

while gandhi was so much entertained by the british raj, the raj was ruthless with the fighters who posed real danger to their rule. Balagandgadhar tilak who claimed that freedom is my birth right was sent to harsh imprisonment .
and for the conference of indian representatives for support of india for the first world war, gandhi introduced the bill asking for indians to support. Gandhi was the "chosen man to introduce the bill" and Tilak was not even invited to the conference at all though tilak was the number one leader of india.
the message was clear to all the political leaders of india : if you work under the leadership of gandhi you will grow....

so all the foxes started aiding their big fox, gandhi.

Now gandhi had the
1. full support of British empire and British media & Indian media (Indian media was controlled by the British empire )
2.gandhi had the full support of all the foxy leaders
3. the masses of india : the masses of india started looking to gandhi as the deliverer. Gandhi makes the mighty english listen, means gandhi is greater than the mighty english...

adding to all these his charisma of ahimsa the non-violence ( which is fake as we already know that he supported all the british wars) which drawn even great leaders under his fold... Gandhi's dress code helped him too. he gave-up his western dress and manners and embraced the poor man's dress that was a gem of Gandhi's political move! Indians respect people who are humble and simple. This dress made Gandhi a simple and humble guy in addition his spiritual talk and religious speeches helped boom boom his political career.
But, i do not want you to become a fool of Gandhi's simplicity so I am adding it up here:
 India is a tropical country and wearing the poor man's cloth is like wearing a bikini and moving around ...its definitely a physical comfort if we can ignore social norms.
Gandhi(naked) had a special massage with a young female doctor everyday for 1.30 hr
Gandhi used to live in a bungalow with many young women as his aides while calling it ashram(church)
Gandhi used to be very particular with his diet
dry fruits only as food (expenisve in India, a common man eats them rarely especially when he is sick...), goat milk(not a regular Indian can afford) etc...etc..
 simplicity is just a dress for Gandhi! do not be a fool of Gandhi!

let me add a point here if you take any spiritual gurus/babas in India none of them were/are wretched, poor, impoverished or anything like that
all the modern gurus are millionaires and are powerful in the country even today!
Gandhi became a baba/spiritual guru , Gandhi took India by its achilles heel "religion" added to that is the British Raj support ....
Gandhi became so big and invincible in India that even the genuine patriots had to accept Gandhi if they are to be able to do something....
mahatma is formed by the british  for the british of the indians.

when a country is occupied by foreign rulers patriots suffer and traitors prosper , it is the rule!

The making of Mahatma part 3

  the making of mahatma part 3


Mahatma will fight against the British but at the same time he will love the British Raj because for a saintly person like Gandhi he can never be angry with anybody if not hate anybody! Mahatma is the sweetest poison who pushed Indians into eternal confusion! he will love the british and their british raj at the sametime he ll fight against the british raj...


if you were given a choice whom you will choose?  enemy  or a person  who is your enemy but not your enemy in reality? you will choose the second one right? British accepted the mahatma in gandhi!

Imagine that you have two enemies one is accusing you of wrong deeds and is on all-out efforts to kill you and the other one is not accusing you for any one of those numerous wrong deeds...instead is singing paeans of praise about you?

who is the better enemy for you? the second one. Gandhi is the second one type enemy for the British. The advantages of Gandhi package is that he not only loves you but also actively campaigns against the patriots who wants to fight British in real and a lot more. all during his stay in south Africa for any war that British fought whether it was against the hapless Zulus(African) or the boers the peace parrot Gandhi sought and pressurized the British for recruitment of Indians to fight on their side. this is when british started believeing Gandhi and realized his potential!  he will restrain Indians from taking arms against the english while actively promote taking arms for the english. Gandhi is the biggest daimond for the british raj!.It is not exaggeration to say that : Gandhi is the best soldier British kingdom ever had ! he even himself learnt his children the anthem long live the king(English king). his loyalty towards the English crown was unquestionable!

and now let us get down to the business : the Gandhi tool & the mutual benefit:
now, British had their most powerful weapon and soldier Gandhi, how to use Gandhi for their own advantage? make him bigger, make him famous and make him powerful, above all make him the leader of the independence movement (that is the best way to kill the movement, make the traitor the leader of resistance! unfortunately mahatma's loving character makes him equal to a traitor to a practical eye)
  whatever British were successful in killing the movement and we got our independence when British abandoned us when they had nothing more to get from the miserable India... they even left all the princely states(more than 600) a choice to join India or Pakistan or even remain neutral... they left our country in the greatest mess they could.( its because of the firm approach of sardar vallab bhai patel that we have todays' India!)
clearly we have not won our independence but, were given independence on british terms and fancies!

contd ....

The making of Mahatma part2

     the making of mahatma part 2

Then came the opportunity to work in south Africa, the big relief! Gandhi was explained that he was needed for "translation" help for the gujarati boss with his European lawyers . South Africa  .... and here again he was humiliated at the hands of white men , and this time it is more severe...

that humiliation inspired gandhi a great fight which ultimately presented the mahatma to the world......? that is a beautiful story but, let us not deviate from reality! yes I am talking about the famous train incident :Gandhi was thrown out of the train for travelling in first class and being colored....

so the point is that the big man( British raj) least wanted Gandhi till here!
 i ll continue into the details of what endeared Gandhi to the british raj, how he became the chosen one after this train saga and etc...!

      Continuing with the train saga:   Later Gandhi tried to impress other station master with his western style dressing etc... to get again first class ticket 'only', to travel further. The station master sympathetic hollander gave him with the condition that Gandhi should leave the first class if asked and would not pursue legally of such an incident if happened...
But, I always travel in first class ...that was his dialogue before he was thrown out of the train...and even after being thrown out Gandhi tried all he can to continue his travel in first class "only"!

what you get? Gandhi who is from the ruling class feudal...always tried his best to be that upper class guy.... He even forced his family wife and children to follow European habits like using spoons and forks etc...
Gandhi the small guy(in reality) tried his best for a first class life and tried to change his lifestyle to make him more acceptable to the British...

But, British raj is not yet ready to embrace Gandhi! none of the Gandhi's efforts in imitating western style etc...helped him to reach the English hand! why would the big man give a hand when he is not gaining anything...?

Now, the making of mahatma

if he fight British raj like other patriots his life would be further ruined ( he is already heavily indebted with his London studies).
British Raj was at its maximum evil when it was dealing with anybody who opposed its raj! it even blew the rebels of soldier mutiny (1857) by tying them to cannon and blowing them off.!
A shrewd person like Gandhi would never take a course that ll potentially harm him!. so, being a patriot like Bal Gangadhar Tilak  if not like Bhagat Singh was out of question...! the only way this wretched and miserable can gain his prestige/ respect in society is by being of value to the British raj! Being of value to the british raj means a being a traitor to the nation! being a traitor to the nation makes one characterless and will ruin Gandhi's prestige forever  which is not the a safe way....
aah thats a problem should not break the stick but you should kill the snake ( a proverb from my mother tongue: to kill the snake you have to use the stick which has a good chance to be broken if its like asking to do and not to do at the same time)
this is a huge problem  only a person as great as Mahatma only can handle it.
Mahatma fixed it this way:   we will conquer the british with love!
Now we indians will fight the british raj to conquer but, since we do it with love we will not fight in real. it s like fighting the snake but not trying to kill it! Indians fooled around with the snake under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi! The snake did the maximum damage it could and left only when it had no more energy to play around. before leaving it injected enough of its poison that it always carried in its head: The divide and rule...

clarity: british raj is poison not british people!
the west adventurers died to find a sea route to India... columbus started his voyage to reach India but he discovered America instead...India was hugely rich and was a fascination for all these adventurers....people  wanted to come to India....after British raj people in India want to go any where in the world form war zones in Afghanistan to america. The rich India became a poor and miserable nation ....

ok let us not deviate from Mahatma


The making of Mahatma


Kaiser I hind mohan das karam chand gandhi…
When you have the most powerful foreign oppressor ruling and exploiting  your country and your compatriots are in misery, depression and engulfed in weakness  so are you (a miserable), then how you can become powerful?
Join your oppressor against your own people but  not to the common eye (then they may call you as traitor and may even stone you).
So, it is essential for your security,safety and success to give an impression that you are fighting against the oppressor who would be more than happy to receive you as the leader of your people than someone else who is really fighting against their oppression and exploitation. In such a case you will be promoted like anything by your foreign ruler, because his rule is as good as you....
 Then if you disguise yourself well and change the colors accordingly there is no match to your personal success and fame.

Kaiser I Hind: it is something like Bharat ratna given by british raj in recognition of the service to the English crown. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi was a kaiser i hind for the british Raj!

Now, welcome to the story of Mahatma Gandhi

                                                         the making of Mahatma

how a small man can become a big man?
take the side of the big man!

if you are a weak man how you can become strong?
stand in the shade of a strong man!

everybody likes to take the hand of a big man and become big himself...why would the big man be so generous and shake hands with every one? so the big man will shake hands with the small one only after carefully choosing....... with the chosen one!

the preview:

The insult:
Gandhi was  from a feudal family that served the kings as ministers....but, Gandhi's father was the last one to do such a big job! Gandhi went to London for law and returned but was a failure professionally. added to that he tried to influence British raj agent for a favor( influence) to his brother since he knew the agent in London. the british agent was furious that Gandhi was trying to take advantage of the acquaintance and he dismissed gandhi right away and when Gandhi did not leave the place he asked the peon to send Gandhi out of his office. Gandhi withdrew (as advised by his friendly elders...) his attempt to pursue legally against the agent(for throwing him out of the office) as the agent was not at fault and it will ruin Gandhi further ! after all this Gandhi made a strong enemy locally, this young British officer!

Gandhi after all the expenses and completion of barrister (lawyer) course in London was left with loans only. and added to that this  new enmity with the local agent (British officer)!

contd with part 2

Thursday, December 15, 2011

world famous rivalries.... brothers at arms...and that's why ...

the brothers

the main enemies for both the world wars Germany and The British (English) shared a common anglosaxon ancestry. they were anglosaxon brothers.

the english and french that were neighbouring naions had the rivalry as long as they could. they were the Caucasian brothers who were neighbors. so did the english and spanish... when their another Caucasian brother Germany became stronger their rivalry was put to an end and they became allies...etc

the Indians and Pakistanis who were the children of the same nation for thousands of years became the world's number one rival nations....(israel palestine is more arabs and jews conflict than nations...) even a game like cricket (something like baseball) between these two nations resembles a battle field with high emotions.... their enmity is match less though their culture, habits etc.. are very similar!
for it takes the closest brothers to show the most bitter rivalry...!

the russians and american that scared the world with nuclear annihilation with their rivalry(cold war) both shared common european (caucasian race) ancestry. they further divided the Caucasians into east( communist ) and west (capitalist) camps!

Iran Iraq though both are Muslim nations had fought a prolonged war for 8 years...
Iraq is dominated by Sunni Muslim while Iran is Shia Muslim... which could have possibly contributed to the war! In Pakistan minority shia Muslims are regularly targeted by Sunni extremists... though they both are brothers in their belief towards Allah ( the God) and nationality (Pakistani)!

above all the rivalries is the Esau and Jacob the twin brothers who are forefathers of the Arabs ( Muslims), and Jews respectively whose rivalry never abated but is relentless with no salvation in near! we know how critical is the Israel and Palestine, the irony is that they are the descendants of twin brothers...

the fight of the twin brothers never lessened and it even spilled further to involve the Europeans( Christians) who fought crusades and more with the Muslim middle east!

The irony is that these three religions(Islam,Christianity& Judaism-Jewish) consider Abraham/ibrahim as the patriarch.... so they are the brothers according to their holiest books!

I hope now it is very well evident that greatest rivalry can be expected from brothers only....
Because brothers are rather equals and fighting between equals never takes a simple course of one winning and other losing...

whats the Take home message:
hoping that our race or creed or religion becomes the world number one then we(our people) can have prosperous life or happiness is illusion.
power never likes the same place for long time and sooner or later the number one place goes to another religion,creed or race...

If not something like that is happening we will make an enemy from our own brothers...
And fight for the power is eternal ...if there is no fight then there is no power. power always creates fight!
so, today we fight against different religion race or something and possibly win and in the end we still dont have the that happiness! instead now we will focus about fighting the next man from our own people with any differences( that is how power guides us) and form groups again... and again my people and your people start and the same story...
we love to entertain and engage our differences and we naturally have enmity towards "our enemy" if that "our enemy" is finished do not worry we will make another enemy from ourselves!

that's why Jesus said love thy neighbour as yourself!

Gandhi the mother of the nation

we all know gandhi as the father of the nation but, there is another angle which is highly censored. no no do not panic i am not trying to present gandhi in a bad light but something confusing but very very noble, angelic etc...!
our great father of the nation always died and craved for truth and infact he is the modern harsichandra. So, i am presenting these happenings which will rather leave the reader free of any confusion over gandhi having sex with young women etc... that we see on and off in internet etc...
i think this article ll be the greatest tribute to mahatma Gandhi and will greatly satisfy the harisahcandra in him wherever he is now (heaven)! because, Indian government rather forbidden these facts and hiding the facts which pains gandhi like a dagger in his......heart if he was alive...!
what makes gandhi the seeker of truth(gandhi repetitively used to preach about truth,god ,honesty...seeking etc..) more happy than the naked truth?

Harischandra is a mythological character who faces all the troubles but never gives up speaking truth! Harischandras story influenced gandhi greatly....!

now the naked truth:
1.Gandhi used to bath naked in the presence of women good number of times!
question: what is the necessity?
2.when he used to feel chilled&shivering his young women aides used to sleep with him and share the bed to give him warmth. but, dont panic gandhi is just like mother to them, so there is nothing to worry that oh Gandhi is sleeping with girls.... he might be doing sex...shut up you can never think anything better gandhi is a saint....he can never do something like that he is like a mother to those girls...Gandhi the mother Gandhi the mother.... I am like mother to them, so they ll get no harm from me that's what Gandhi Grandpa used to tell and sleep with those young women....
well, Gandhi had a woman in himself ( according to Gandhi) that's Gandhi the mother of the nation!
but, the question that remains unanswered is the fact that why Gandhi had not asked kasturba his wife to sleep with him when he needed extra warmth or something as simply as use another(extra) blanket ....
but, great people... it is always tough to understand their actions but easy to suspect them!
3.further Gandhi continued to sleep naked with multiple young women again and again!He even did this with his own Grand niece Manu who was 19 years old! again do not panic: more than just Gandhi the mother there is something more here!
Gandhi did all this for peace between Hindus and Muslims and more.
He strongly believed that by sleeping naked with young women he would be able to win his battle against Hindu Muslim divisions and the associated riots, violence and further! How he would be able to do all this by sleeping with young women, nobody knows! but, he believed it as a test of celibacy : he will be naked, he will be cuddled close on the same bed with a very young woman for the entire night...but still he would not be doing sex with her...if gandhi had gained so much self control it means he became extremely strong as a person and he would have had successfully faced witty and persistent opponents like Jinnah and other national problems and that was the reason why Gandhi was sleeping with girls!

So blame it on people like Jinnah and others....its only the urge to save India from these people,violence etc ...that gandhi did something so extreme as sleeping with his own grand niece manu( 19 year old)...see gandhi took such a huge risk on his character name and fame only for the good of the society...

but, Gandhi failed miserably in his fight and india had a huge bloodshed right under his leadership etc...I have no doubt that Gandhi succeeded in his celibacy (no sex even after sleeping so close....) test but that it is just a mere superstition that such a test would empower him he did not gain any special powers here but eternal suspicion and ill fame...

whatever now after reading all this I hope you understand why Gandhi is to be called as

but, it still remains for the scholars to do research on these complicated sleeping ordeals of Gandhi so that even those wicked mouths can be shut forever with the naked facts in complete about gandhi...
because gandhi is mahatma he ll not do mistakes its only that we misunderstand him... complete details will clear all suspicions while half facts adds up the suspicions...

This is for Gandhi's devotees
trust me if you are a Gandhi's devotee/disciple and you have a young sister, wife or daughter and imagine that you happened to meet mahatma Gandhi: he will think about sleeping naked with your sister/wife/daughter ( if they made good impression on Gandhi) for the sake of the good of the society...for mahatma he has no differences for sister,daughter/wife... he is above all of them and will not leave any opportunity to do good to the society even at the cost of his fame!

hail Gandhi The mother of India

when we are believing  what Gandhi was saying, why  not we believe Swami Nityananda?
when Gandhi who slept naked for entire nights with girls (also naked ) is clean why not swami nityananda is clean?

Because Gandhi is Mahatma  and in India we have tradition of treating big guys different.....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

adam and eve

Adam and Eve are believed to the first mom dad by the world's 2/3rd population (christian,muslim,jewish). most of the rest of the people ( Hindus,budhdhists etc..) are supposed to believe that God is in every human so all humans are potentially not at ll unequal or simply saying all humans must be potentially equal (since god is with everyone)! In addition to all this is science.
science says that first mother is from Africa!

Mother Africa is the universal mother!

from adam & eve concept all human races on this earth originated from same mother and father! So, glorifying our own race and feeling ill against other race is equal to hating your own brother or sister.... ! because, forefathers of all the races were once brothers by the standards of both religion and science!

Hindus: if god is in every human then why feel that someone is superior or inferior by birth? unless we prefer to be blind and stupid or racist simply!

Science ( for atheists) if first human was an African why we should glorify our differences as European, african ,chinese, japanese,indian,arab,latin, american or some other and entertain any feelings that one is superior to other by birth when we all had the same mother as we travel back to the very beginning?
obviously a rich person's or a doctor's son is more at advantage and is more of possible success than a one born to poor or impoverished (socioeconomic differences are real)... Irrespective of their success in future it takes blindness and irrationality to comment on a day old babies that one is superior to other in potential depending on their socioeconomic status!

take home message even if we turn to science or the major religions all the humans shared same mother and father at the beginning and all our forefathers were brothers to start with etc...
even if all the other races are removed from the earth and only one race is allowed to survive on earth... after few 100 years again we will see problems between humans of different races....

we value our differences....

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Anna Hazare "The Black mailer"

Black mailing is something that implies coercing someone to get something! that something is rather a personal favor (selfish) than social favor or favor for others (noble cause). when this others is a billion plus people of India and any action done for the interest of this huge people , that too for a noble cause (anti-corruption) it would never fit into a word called black mail. rather we should use the term white mailing or something else?
whatever black mail though exciting will not fit for something done for good!
lets get into the details:

1st government ignored him until they realised that anna is becoming a phenomenon( within 3-4 days), then they hastily approached him and convinced him that they ll work on it though initially claiming that what anna asking was meaning less, unconstitutional etc. when assured by the top most official (prime minister) in India, anna broke his fast. but he was soon cheated. politicians like kapil cibal and digvijay singh were released upon anna! anna's team was hounded by them in all the possible ways and are still being hounded...etc....which is not at all blackmail or something ugly to these intellectuals who call anna hazare as blackmailer. its all clean for them but, anna is the villain for them.

ok, let us agree that anna is coercing the govt that: look if you do not pass this bill i will fast till death, my death will bring trouble to you and the govt is scared but no other choice. would the govt respond to fasting till death threats by everybody like this no! why ?
anna hazare not only represented his own anger but of the near billion of Indians! They realised it very fast! thats why they responded to him though they initially ignored anna! the point is that if people have not responded to anna govt would not have worried about him ! govt is responding to people's concern , anger or whatever through anna hazare's fasting/movement... so govt is not responding to anna's blackmailing but indirectly to people"s blackmailing (if you are bent on using the word black mailing). or better say like in maths anna's black mailing = people's demands...

in democracy people have a right to demand! right?
dude public demand is never a black mail at least in democracy. ( here public means both the meanings: 1. people

so the fact that's is surprising is that anna had become an emotional bridge between people and govt! anna is conveying the emotion/urge/demand of the public regarding corruption to the govt with most efficacy...unfortunately for the government Anna is conveying the anger/frustration of the common man to govt. that is why govt is not happy with anna hazare!
we all who love democracy should hail anna hazare who made something impossible: common man's emotions/urge/concerns/demands (regarding corruption) are attended by the government? goverenment is listening to the people....
wow this is democracy...
Anna is the best thing that ever happened to Indian democracy!

for cancer no treatment is a bad treatment as long as it works or if it could possibly work...!

more articles:

why there is caste in Hinduism

Saturday, December 10, 2011

గాంధీ జిన్నా ఎవరు ని నిందించాలి ఎంత నిందించాలి? part-3 గాంధీ ముస్లిమ్స్ మరియు మోసమ్!

రెండొ పాయింట్ ఎంటంటె
యుద్దమ్ లొ గెలిచిన తర్వాత బ్రిటిష్ ఆటొమన్ సామ్రాజ్యమ్ను మాండేట్స్ గా విభజించింది ( ముక్కలు ముక్కలు ). అయితె ఇందులొ ముస్లిమ్స్ ని ఇంకా బాధించిన విషయమ్ ఏమిటంటె పవిత్ర ప్రదేశాలయినటువంటి మక్కా , కర్బాల (Iraq) అవన్ని క్రిస్టియన్ యూరప్ కంట్రోల్ లోకి వెల్లాయి!
యూరప్ (క్రిస్టియన్) మధ్య ప్రాచ్య (ముస్లిమ్ ) మత యుధ్దాలు ఎన్నో( క్రూసేడ్లు) చేసుకున్నాయి.. అంత (మత)శత్రుత్వమ్ ఉన్న శత్రువు ఆధీనమ్ లొకి వీల్ల పవిత్ర ప్రదేశాలన్ని వెల్లాయి!

ఇదంతా ఒకటయైతె భారత ముస్లిమ్ సైనికులు స్వయాన బ్రిటిష్ వారి తరపున యుద్దమ్ చేయడమ్ (గాంధీ గారి మార్గదర్శకత్వమ్ లో)వారిని ఇంకా బాధించింది
దీనికి తోడు మల్ల ఖిలాఫత్ శాంతి యుత పోరటమ్ మాత్రమె ఇవాన్ని... ముస్లిమ్స్ కు హిందువులకు మొడటిసారిగ తీవ్రమయిన అగాథమ్ సృష్టించింది....అంతర్లీనంగా మరియు ప్రత్యక్షంగా కూడా

అప్పుడె పాకిస్తాన్ పురుడు పోసుకుంది...
తరువతా జిన్నా ఎంత చేసిన ఆ ఆలొచన కు ఊపిరి పోసింది మటుకు గాంది నాయకత్వమే!

ఇంకా సహాయ నిరాకరణోద్యమమ్...ఇది ఖిలఫట్, స్వరాజ్ ల హైబ్రీడ్ పోరాటమ్....బ్రిటిషోల్ల కోసమ్ తుపాకీ పట్టమని ఊరూరా తిరిగిన గాంధీ...చౌరిచౌర లో జరిగిన హింసాత్మక ఘటన తో ఉద్యమాన్ని ఆపెసాడు..
ఇది ముస్లిమ్ మేధావులకు అత్యంత అసహజముగా అనిపించింది...

ఈలోపు టర్కి లో ముస్తాఫా కమల్ నాయకత్వమ్ లో ఏకంగా ప్రజాస్వామ్య దేశమ్ అయ్యిపోయింది...ఖిలాఫత్ పూర్తిగా రద్దు చేయబడింది...
ఖిలాఫత్ ఉద్యమమ్ సంపూర్ణంగా విఫలమయింది!
తరువాయి కాలమ్లో సారె జహాసె అఛ్ఛా హిందు సితాహమార అని పాటను రాసిన ఇక్బాల్ పాకిస్తాన్ అన్న ఆలోచనకు మొదటిసారిగ తెరపైకి తీసుకొచ్చాడు..లౌకికవాదానికి శెలవు చెప్పాడు!

ఈ మార్పులన్నిటికి ప్రధాన కారణమ్ గాంది నాయకత్వమ్లో జరిగిన ఈ సంఘఠణలన్ని
ఈ చరిత్రత్మక అపనమ్మకాని గాంధి వారసులు ( Gandhi is the father of our politicians)...మన రాజకీయ నాయకులు ఇప్పటికి ఎగేస్తూనె ఉన్నరు వాల్లకి అవసరమయినప్పుడల్ల...
ఇంక చివరగ జిన్నా గురుంచి.... contd

గాంధీ జిన్నా ఎవరు ని నిందించాలి ఎంత నిందించాలి? part-2 గాంధీ ముస్లిమ్స్ మరియు మోసమ్!

ఏరా ఆరోజేదో ఖిలాఫత్ ఖిలాఫత్ అని చెప్పెసి ఆపెసావ్? ఉండు మామ ఒక్క ఫొన్ అని బయటికెల్లి ఐదు నిమిషాలలో వచ్చి మొదలు పెట్టాడు
రచ్చబాబు : గాంధీ ముస్లిమ్స్ మరియు మోసమ్!
అంతె ఒక్కసారి చుట్టుపక్కల ఉన్న వాల్లు అందరూ ఒక్కసారి వీల్ల వైపు చూసారు!
రేయ్ రచ్చబాబు నువ్వు కొద్దిసెపు ఆగు , గ్రౌండ్ కెల్దామ్ అక్కడ మల్లి మొదలు పెడ్దువ్ లె..

ఆఖిరికి గ్రౌండ్ లో మొదలు పెట్టాడు రచ్చబాబు :మొదట గాంధీ గురుంచి చెప్పుకోవాలి
గాంధీకి నంబర్ 1 అంటె చాల ఇష్టమ్.
చాల అంటె చాల. ఎలా అంటె అంబెద్కర్ దలిత నాయకుడు కాడు నేనే నాయకున్ని డలితులకైన ఎవరికైన నేనే నంబర్ 1నాయకున్ని అని, నా తరువాతె ఎవరైనా అని అలా...అలా రాజకీయాలు ఎప్పుడు చెసేవాడు!

ఇంకా సౌత్ ఆఫ్రికా లో ఇండియన్ ముస్లిమ్లు ఎక్కువ ...అందుకె అవకాశమ్ డొరికినప్పుడల్ల ఇంక వాయించేవాడు ముస్లిమ్లందరు నాతోనె ఉన్నరు...సౌత్ ఆఫ్రికా లో కొన్ని చేసాడు కదా ఉద్యమాలు అందులో గాంధీ అటు ముస్లిమ్లు హిందులు ఇద్దరని నడిపించేసానని తెగ గోల చెసేవాడులె ఎప్పుడు
( అసలు ఇండియన్స్ ని ముస్లిమ్ల గా హిందూలగా గుర్తించిన మొదటి రాజకీయ నాయకుడు గాంధీ యె)...
అలా కష్టపడిన గాంధీ కి ఖిలాఫత్ బంగారు అవకాశమ్లా దొరికింది. ఖిలాఫత్ కు బాగ మద్దతిస్తె ముస్లిమ్ల దగ్గర మాంచి impression బా వస్తది అని ఇంక ఖిలాఫత్ ఉద్యమానికి ఆలి బ్రదర్స్ తో పాటూ ముఖ్య నాయకుడిగా తయరయిపొయ్యడు. ఖిలాఫత్ మంచిదా చెడ్డ దా దేశానికి గాని ముస్లిమ్లకి గాని ఎంత మంచిది ఎంత చెడ్డది అన్న ప్రశ్నే లేదు!ముస్లిమ్ల దగ్గర మాంచి impression బా వస్తది.. ముస్లిమ్లకు కూడ నాయకడు అయిపొవచ్చు..... అలా ఉద్యమమ్ మొదలవగాన్ గాంది ఇలా దూరిపోయాడు...

నీకు ఇప్పుడు రాజకీయనాయకులు గుర్తుకొస్తున్నార? అదె వొటె బ్యేంక్ రాజకీయాలు...ముస్లిమ్లను వోట్ బ్యాంక్ గ....గాంధీ ఒక పచ్చి అవకాశవాది...కుహనా లౌకికవాది...తన రాజకీయ వృధ్ది కోసమ్ ఎంత పనికైన వెనుకాడడు....
అయితె ఇదె సమయమ్లో జిన్న ఈ ఖిలాఫత్ కి పూర్తి దూరంగా ఉన్నడు అది పూర్తిగా విఫలమయినంత వరకు....

note: జిన్నా తన మతానికి సంబంధించిన ఖిలాఫత్ కు దూరంగా ఉమ్టె గాంధీ మటుకు తెగ పోరాటమ్ చెసేసాడు ఖిలాఫత్ గురుంచి...

గాంధీ మరియు మొదటి ప్రపంచ యుధ్ధమ్:
గాంధీ ఆంగ్లేయులు(బ్రిటిష్ వాల్ల) తరపును భారతీయులందరు మనసా వాచ కర్మేనా పోరాడాలి అని భోధించాడు,ప్రేరేపించాడు,ప్రచారమ్ చెసాడు తనకు వీలు అయిన పద్దతులన్నిటిలో శక్తి కి మించి మరీ కష్టపడ్డాడు!
For Ex: రోజు కి 20 మైల్ లు back pack ఫుడ్డు అంతా మోసూకుంటూ ఊరూరా తిరిగి మరి యువకులను సైన్యమ్ లోకి చేరమని...అలా అలా ప్రచారమ్ చెసాడు...

ఐతే ఖిలాఫత్
దగ్గరికి వచ్చెసరికి శాంతి శాంతి అని గోల మల్లి మొదలపెట్టడు ఎవెరన్న పొరపాటున బ్రిటిష్ వాల్లపై ఈ విషయమ్లో యుధ్ధమ్ చేయాలి అనుకుంటే నాన రకాలు గ ప్రయత్నించి ఆపించేసాడు...ముఖ్యము గా ఇలా మోసమ్ చేసాడు:
ఎయ్ అసలు గాభరా పడద్దు .. బ్రిటిషోల్లు టర్కీ సామ్రాజ్యాన్ని మటుకు ఎమ్ చేయరు (యుద్దమ్ గెలిచిన తర్వాత) అని ఓ రకముగా నమ్మకమ్ కల్పించాడు!

దానితొ ముస్లిమ్ సైనికులు కూడ బ్రిటిషోల్లు కోసమ్ టర్కీ తో యుద్దమ్ చేసారు...

2 points
1. బ్రిటిషోల్లు కోసమ్ కత్తి( అదెలె గన్ను) పట్టించాడు...
ఖిలాఫత్ అవసరమ్ వచ్చెసరికి గన్నుని తొక్కెసాడు శాంతి తో పొరాటమ్ చేసేద్దామని..అలా అలా సాధించేద్దామ్ అని చెప్పాడు !

to be contd

గాంధీ జిన్నా ఎవరు ని నిందించాలి ఎంత నిందించాలి? part 1
Jinnah/Gandhi blame whom?
why there is caste in Hinduism
మగ ధీరుని పాదాల్ని తాకిన మహేష్ బాబు....
sonia gandhi or Anna Hazare
how to kill anna hazare
wallmart in india
divide and rule @of sonia Gandhi

Friday, December 9, 2011

divide & rule @ Sonia Gandhi

the prices are touching the sky!

its becoming tough for the common man to survive

food prices are killing

farmers are committing suicides

present govt strongly believes that it has no responsibility for all these miseries
but the people do not think so,
the Gandhis' charm is quickly melting with this harsh reality and information era is enhancing it...
what they can do?
The Junior Gandhi( Rahul) started inciting people something as wild as calling people beggars ( people of UP) whatever their charm is getting very fragile in this info era. Now people are knowing the miseries of farmers of the entire India and they are also learning what Niteesh is doing with Bihar...
India does not need the Gandhis' family its the Gandhis family that needs India...!

whatever the gandhis need to do something really effective not the blabber of Rahul baba.
so so so what they can do ?
divide the people as much as possible, make the muslims feel as much as separate as possible from the mainstream...
and encourage the feeling that they are persecuted and then bring the card :
that they are the only protectors of Muslims of India...

This will ensure congress the muslim votes....
The same Gandhis (Rajiv Gandhi ) introduced the Muslim women act ( Shah Bano Case) to appease the Muslim ( Muslim vote bank) and then unlocked(1985)the gates of Babri Masjid and later did the shilanyas ( foundation stone November 9 1989)! All this to appease Hindus!
Historically for Gandhis the Indians are not Indians but numbers of muslims and Hindus...and even more! Her highness holy( kapil sibal will be angry if we call her something) Sonia Gandhi
picked the lesson from her husband's political life and now guided the govt to do something that would polarise Indians more into Hindus and Muslims and more!

as a result the proposal
prevention of communal violence law which helps only to further the divide...than really help Muslims!
It is for the muslims to decide to be the part of the game that her highness soniaji is playing!
For them religion is a game which will enable them to get the seat in Delhi! It is up-to the muslims to be part of it ! as its discussed above they will go and side either muslims or Hindus inorder to secure their power. If all the hindus in India become stupid and extremist these Gandhis would be the first people to entertain them and go against Muslims ... we already got clarified: Hindus and Muslims are not people for them but, voters!

Ok, let us assume that Gandhi family and congress are the best protectors of Muslim interests! The point to note is that the same family was in power for more than 50 years. But, still why muslims are backlogged in terms of progress?

గాంధీ జిన్నా ఎవరు ని నిందించాలి ఎంత నిందించాలి? part 1
Jinnah Babu
why there is caste in Hinduism
మగ ధీరుని పాదాల్ని తాకిన మహేష్ బాబు....
sonia gandhi or Anna Hazare
how to kill anna hazare
wallmart in india