Wallmart & convenience stores
Does it help as our PM Manmohan Singh believes or it was just another foreign company impressing Indian politicians and starting its business empire?
Will it be good to us?
Wall street will reduce inflation…
That was a line by our PM. Yep it somewhat believable. Since wall mart offers everything really cheap. Well cheap is something relative depending upon the place its located. Once I have been to Texas (where my freinds from that place used to live on Wall mart ( means buying groceries etc..). the prices were cheap but, texas is a very big agricultural state where generally expenses are cheap. There is a wallmart not too far from Newyork also…the prices were cool here also. The next wallmart I visited was in Michigan. Here the prices were expensive consistently. For the first time, I was seeing wallmart not really cool. The difference to other places is that along with wall mart there were other big stores. But, here there are no other big stores. So, what can we learn from this that once the competition is eliminated wallmart will have a freedom with their prices. So, blindly accepting that wallmart always gives low prices to the customer is not really close to reality.
Ok, one may say that one can open a deli (grocery store ) if wallmart became too expensive etc… that one can make a huge profit with deli!
Do you really think that they can fight with the wallmart for more than few months?
Wallmart may provide jobs but, it takes the jobs away …
The small stores that are in every streets are already being whooped by big stores like reliance etc… if wallmart comes they will be practically endangered.
Further the street stores offer convenience to the customer, it is just by the side of the home and you can get whatever you want by just telling the shop keeper. You need not search it for yourself all the aisles like you do in wallmart. Indirectly these small convenience stores are saving your time whereas wallmart which will be located generally at the outskirts of the city needs you to travel there , search the aisles… buy as many as you can at once as you do not like to come again and again…overall it gets added to our job as another special job: I have to go to wallmart… travel is not a comfort for the middle class or the poor people compared to upper middle class drive cars.
If we assume that all Indians are buying from wallmart for the sake of our prime minister’s plan to reduce inflation with the help of wallmart, ok then what imagine ¼ billion people travelling to wallmart and spending extra time searching aisles all this cumulatively adds to the traffic, strain and productive time wasted of all these people. Whereas the convenience stores are available all the time and are of convenience and not at all stressors except for little more price (that price advantage is lost very slowly over time when wall mart monopolizes the market.) convenience stores talk to their customers rather they are friends…. In addition to all that the customer can buy exactly the amount he/she wants… there is less chance for wastage of food that is over stored in the houses too or over shopping…
Overall the bottom line is that wall mart does not need to be welcomed with red carpet or if legally possible they should not be welcomed with 51% provision.
Some were quoting that wallmart eliminates the layers( brokers ) between customer and farmer.. so that’s they the way they reduce the price…
Why an Indian biggie like reliance which is already there can not do the same? Or why not develop a system that makes it easy for the convenience stores to get easy access to farmers?
And they also say that they restrict wallmart to 1 million plus cities…but, for how long !