Thursday, December 15, 2011

world famous rivalries.... brothers at arms...and that's why ...

the brothers

the main enemies for both the world wars Germany and The British (English) shared a common anglosaxon ancestry. they were anglosaxon brothers.

the english and french that were neighbouring naions had the rivalry as long as they could. they were the Caucasian brothers who were neighbors. so did the english and spanish... when their another Caucasian brother Germany became stronger their rivalry was put to an end and they became allies...etc

the Indians and Pakistanis who were the children of the same nation for thousands of years became the world's number one rival nations....(israel palestine is more arabs and jews conflict than nations...) even a game like cricket (something like baseball) between these two nations resembles a battle field with high emotions.... their enmity is match less though their culture, habits etc.. are very similar!
for it takes the closest brothers to show the most bitter rivalry...!

the russians and american that scared the world with nuclear annihilation with their rivalry(cold war) both shared common european (caucasian race) ancestry. they further divided the Caucasians into east( communist ) and west (capitalist) camps!

Iran Iraq though both are Muslim nations had fought a prolonged war for 8 years...
Iraq is dominated by Sunni Muslim while Iran is Shia Muslim... which could have possibly contributed to the war! In Pakistan minority shia Muslims are regularly targeted by Sunni extremists... though they both are brothers in their belief towards Allah ( the God) and nationality (Pakistani)!

above all the rivalries is the Esau and Jacob the twin brothers who are forefathers of the Arabs ( Muslims), and Jews respectively whose rivalry never abated but is relentless with no salvation in near! we know how critical is the Israel and Palestine, the irony is that they are the descendants of twin brothers...

the fight of the twin brothers never lessened and it even spilled further to involve the Europeans( Christians) who fought crusades and more with the Muslim middle east!

The irony is that these three religions(Islam,Christianity& Judaism-Jewish) consider Abraham/ibrahim as the patriarch.... so they are the brothers according to their holiest books!

I hope now it is very well evident that greatest rivalry can be expected from brothers only....
Because brothers are rather equals and fighting between equals never takes a simple course of one winning and other losing...

whats the Take home message:
hoping that our race or creed or religion becomes the world number one then we(our people) can have prosperous life or happiness is illusion.
power never likes the same place for long time and sooner or later the number one place goes to another religion,creed or race...

If not something like that is happening we will make an enemy from our own brothers...
And fight for the power is eternal ...if there is no fight then there is no power. power always creates fight!
so, today we fight against different religion race or something and possibly win and in the end we still dont have the that happiness! instead now we will focus about fighting the next man from our own people with any differences( that is how power guides us) and form groups again... and again my people and your people start and the same story...
we love to entertain and engage our differences and we naturally have enmity towards "our enemy" if that "our enemy" is finished do not worry we will make another enemy from ourselves!

that's why Jesus said love thy neighbour as yourself!

Gandhi the mother of the nation

we all know gandhi as the father of the nation but, there is another angle which is highly censored. no no do not panic i am not trying to present gandhi in a bad light but something confusing but very very noble, angelic etc...!
our great father of the nation always died and craved for truth and infact he is the modern harsichandra. So, i am presenting these happenings which will rather leave the reader free of any confusion over gandhi having sex with young women etc... that we see on and off in internet etc...
i think this article ll be the greatest tribute to mahatma Gandhi and will greatly satisfy the harisahcandra in him wherever he is now (heaven)! because, Indian government rather forbidden these facts and hiding the facts which pains gandhi like a dagger in his......heart if he was alive...!
what makes gandhi the seeker of truth(gandhi repetitively used to preach about truth,god ,honesty...seeking etc..) more happy than the naked truth?

Harischandra is a mythological character who faces all the troubles but never gives up speaking truth! Harischandras story influenced gandhi greatly....!

now the naked truth:
1.Gandhi used to bath naked in the presence of women good number of times!
question: what is the necessity?
2.when he used to feel chilled&shivering his young women aides used to sleep with him and share the bed to give him warmth. but, dont panic gandhi is just like mother to them, so there is nothing to worry that oh Gandhi is sleeping with girls.... he might be doing sex...shut up you can never think anything better gandhi is a saint....he can never do something like that he is like a mother to those girls...Gandhi the mother Gandhi the mother.... I am like mother to them, so they ll get no harm from me that's what Gandhi Grandpa used to tell and sleep with those young women....
well, Gandhi had a woman in himself ( according to Gandhi) that's Gandhi the mother of the nation!
but, the question that remains unanswered is the fact that why Gandhi had not asked kasturba his wife to sleep with him when he needed extra warmth or something as simply as use another(extra) blanket ....
but, great people... it is always tough to understand their actions but easy to suspect them!
3.further Gandhi continued to sleep naked with multiple young women again and again!He even did this with his own Grand niece Manu who was 19 years old! again do not panic: more than just Gandhi the mother there is something more here!
Gandhi did all this for peace between Hindus and Muslims and more.
He strongly believed that by sleeping naked with young women he would be able to win his battle against Hindu Muslim divisions and the associated riots, violence and further! How he would be able to do all this by sleeping with young women, nobody knows! but, he believed it as a test of celibacy : he will be naked, he will be cuddled close on the same bed with a very young woman for the entire night...but still he would not be doing sex with her...if gandhi had gained so much self control it means he became extremely strong as a person and he would have had successfully faced witty and persistent opponents like Jinnah and other national problems and that was the reason why Gandhi was sleeping with girls!

So blame it on people like Jinnah and others....its only the urge to save India from these people,violence etc ...that gandhi did something so extreme as sleeping with his own grand niece manu( 19 year old)...see gandhi took such a huge risk on his character name and fame only for the good of the society...

but, Gandhi failed miserably in his fight and india had a huge bloodshed right under his leadership etc...I have no doubt that Gandhi succeeded in his celibacy (no sex even after sleeping so close....) test but that it is just a mere superstition that such a test would empower him he did not gain any special powers here but eternal suspicion and ill fame...

whatever now after reading all this I hope you understand why Gandhi is to be called as

but, it still remains for the scholars to do research on these complicated sleeping ordeals of Gandhi so that even those wicked mouths can be shut forever with the naked facts in complete about gandhi...
because gandhi is mahatma he ll not do mistakes its only that we misunderstand him... complete details will clear all suspicions while half facts adds up the suspicions...

This is for Gandhi's devotees
trust me if you are a Gandhi's devotee/disciple and you have a young sister, wife or daughter and imagine that you happened to meet mahatma Gandhi: he will think about sleeping naked with your sister/wife/daughter ( if they made good impression on Gandhi) for the sake of the good of the society...for mahatma he has no differences for sister,daughter/wife... he is above all of them and will not leave any opportunity to do good to the society even at the cost of his fame!

hail Gandhi The mother of India

when we are believing  what Gandhi was saying, why  not we believe Swami Nityananda?
when Gandhi who slept naked for entire nights with girls (also naked ) is clean why not swami nityananda is clean?

Because Gandhi is Mahatma  and in India we have tradition of treating big guys different.....