Adam and Eve are believed to the first mom dad by the world's 2/3rd population (christian,muslim,jewish). most of the rest of the people ( Hindus,budhdhists etc..) are supposed to believe that God is in every human so all humans are potentially not at ll unequal or simply saying all humans must be potentially equal (since god is with everyone)! In addition to all this is science.
science says that first mother is from Africa!
Mother Africa is the universal mother!
from adam & eve concept all human races on this earth originated from same mother and father! So, glorifying our own race and feeling ill against other race is equal to hating your own brother or sister.... ! because, forefathers of all the races were once brothers by the standards of both religion and science!
Hindus: if god is in every human then why feel that someone is superior or inferior by birth? unless we prefer to be blind and stupid or racist simply!
Science ( for atheists) if first human was an African why we should glorify our differences as European, african ,chinese, japanese,indian,arab,latin, american or some other and entertain any feelings that one is superior to other by birth when we all had the same mother as we travel back to the very beginning?
obviously a rich person's or a doctor's son is more at advantage and is more of possible success than a one born to poor or impoverished (socioeconomic differences are real)... Irrespective of their success in future it takes blindness and irrationality to comment on a day old babies that one is superior to other in potential depending on their socioeconomic status!
take home message even if we turn to science or the major religions all the humans shared same mother and father at the beginning and all our forefathers were brothers to start with etc...
even if all the other races are removed from the earth and only one race is allowed to survive on earth... after few 100 years again we will see problems between humans of different races....
we value our differences....
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